INBAR has established a permanent bamboo housing demonstration site in Nankou, a suburb of Beijing. Currently the site consists of four different types of pre-fabricated engineered bamboo structures i.e. (1) a low cost residential building; (2) a low cost community hall; (3) a high end conference hall and; (4) a high end office building. The site will host more types of bamboo structures in the future, including a multi-storey building.
The pre-fabricated structures in the site were developed by INBAR in close collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Forestry, International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing Chengdong, FUSTAR Bamboo and Beijing Architectural Design and Research Instittute. The site is managed and maintained by China Forum for Environmental Journalists.
The bamboo structures and demonstraion site project was funded by the US based foundation, the Blue Moon Fund.

Demonstration site in Nankou, Beijing

Bamhoo house in demonstration site in Black Bamboo Garden, Beijing